Frequently Asked Questions

These are common questions asked before boudoir photography sessions. If you have any other questions you would like clarification on, send a message through the contact form.

How many wardrobe changes do I get?

There is no limit to how many outfits or wardrobe changes you want to bring. The only limit is the time you have booked in advance.

How many poses will you do?

The amount of poses depends on what feels right in the situation, what you are trying to accomplish, and how fast we get there. Sometimes a single pose can take iterations and fine tuning to get just right, sometimes it happens immediately or spontaneously. As your body turns into a work of art, you are encouraged to move yourself and pose in however feels natural and brings results you can fall in love with.

Do you photograph couples for boudoir?

Absolutely – and the price is the same, whether you are shooting alone or with someone else.

Can I bring someone to the photography shoot?

If you are more comfortable bringing a friend or significant other to your booked shoot, simply indicate so in advance.

What should I do before the boudoir photography session?

Make sure you don’t wear tight clothing. Bras and other such things will leave lines in your skin. You can put on lingerie you want to wear right before shooting, and remove tight clothing in between shots or changes.

Where are your outdoor locations?

The outdoor locations are kept as a secret to remain exclusive and reduce the amount of people who may potentially tread upon your photoshoot.

Will my photos remain private?

All photos taken of you during our session will remain absolutely private. This is incredibly important. You do have an option to allow the sharing of images on the website, portfolio, or social media for a discount on your package price.

Additional Photos

If you want to look through all photos taken of the session, a thumbnail sheet will be sent. Select which photos you are interested in and a price will be quoted.

If you would like more advanced editing for any of your photos, pricing is quoted on an individual bases, determined by the time required, complexity, and how many photos need additional work.

Printing Rates

Along with edited photos, you will receive full rights to print, share, and display your images however you wish. Your photos will be sent in full-size formats, ready to be printed by you. No after-shoot charges, no hidden fees.

Are you ready to take your moment to the next level?